Ale González

Ale González (Algeciras, Spain). Artist, developer, architect. I am interested in issues related to the creative and emancipatory possibilities of digital technologies and free culture as in issues related to urban policies and cultures. As an architect I took part for ten years at the NGDO Arquitectura y Compromiso Social, where I got engaged mainly in citizen participation and urban research projects. I took part in a discontinuous manner in as designer and datavis workshops tutor. I currently work with Sergio Moreno at the technology-based cooperative t/ejido, where I primarily develop citizen participation platforms and digital cartography and data visualization projects. I have been active for twenty years in different political and countercultural projects, as well as in several international networks such as Indymedia Estrecho/madiaq [✝], EuroMayDaySur [✝], CitizensLab, Libre Graphics Meeting and Arquitecturas Colectivas. I have recently started a personal project to promote underground culture, debajo. Occasional writer.



  • 2024

    Research and artistic residency FILTER. Detroit, USA.

  • 2020

    Artistic residence Safe Harbor. Belgrade, Serbia.

  • 2005

    Achitect. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla, Spain.

Awards and honours

  • 2023

    First prize in the urban challenge promoted by Barcelona City Council "Regeneration of existing residential buildings with innovative sustainable systems". Project carried out by the team formed by Straddle3, Societat Orgànica, Aiguasol, Tallfusta and t/ejido

  • 2017

    2nd Prize in the Urban-Architectural Photography Contest. FFIEL, León, Mexico.

  • 2016

    Selected by CitizensLab as IdeaMaker for the development of the project.

  • 2006

    2nd Transite Prize for Ephemeral Architecture with the proposal Low-cost semiotics, developed with Antonio Gros and Javier Aldarias. Granada, Spain.


  • 2024

    Mugre#04. Doctor Bar. Seville, Spain.

    Mugre#03. La Lonja Vieja. Barbate, Spain.


  • 2023

    Mugre#02. Doctor Bar. Seville, Spain.

    Mugre#01. Espacio Tramallol. Seville, Spain.


  • 2019

    Collective exhibition of the ilustrations of El Topo magazine. Taberna Ánima, Seville, Spain.

  • 2018

    Collective exhibition of the winners of the Urban-Architectural Photography Contest. FFIEL, León, Mexico.

  • 2018

    Collective exhibitions of the works curated by Nomad Garden for the El Jardín Cosmopolita project. Reales Alcázares of Seville and CaixaFórum. Sevilla Spain.

  • 2017

    Interaction room. Installation made in collaboration with the architecture studio Straddle3 for the public art exhibition Dark Matter Games. SaleDocks, Venice, Italy.

  • 2015

    Skullogic illustration collective exhibition. Brisbane, Australia.

  • 2015

    Celebrabis Vitae illustration collective exhibition. London, UK.

  • 2015

    Dadafacer and The bank wins in the game of life. Works selected for the netart category of the 14th Festival de la Imagen. Manizales, Colombia.

  • 2015

    Liquid-a. Audiovisual installation, in collaboration with Javier Aldarias, selected for the 2015 edition of the Aura light art festival. Sintra, Portugal.

  • 2008

    Strait Cartography 2.0 (collectively developed with Pablo de Soto and Lot Amorós). Collective exhibition of the projects developed in Visualizar 08 Database City. Medialab Prado, Madrid

Publication of graphic work

  • 2023

    «Interstice». Processing 20th aniversary Community Catalog. Processing Foundation

  • 2021

    «Mugre». Luces de Neón fanzine, Quebradero Estudio.

  • 2015

    Illustrations from the article “The banality of the future” by José Pérez de Lama. The Digital City.

  • 2015

    «Binary distribution». Hack Circus Magazine, Sheffield, UK.

  • 2013

    Images from the catalog of the exhibition Laboratory Poetics. On open source artistic practices. Seville Arts Center. Sevilla Spain

Presentations, workshops given, productions

  • 2023

    «Generative design». Within the presentation series Palique. Jaleo, Seville, Spain.

  • 2022

    Gamification applied to heritage conservation wokrshop, with the Tekeando Association. Promoted by GECA ('Association of Cultural Managers of Andalusia'). IAPH ('Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage'), Seville, Spain.

  • 2021

    Presentation of personal career within the meeting AVLab, New Transmedia Experiences for the Stage. Medialab Prado, Madrid, Spain.

  • 2021

    Tutor of the collaborative workshop for the creation of a pedagogical game about historical heritage within the Cultural Heritage, Interior Tourism and Sustainability hackcamp with the association Tekeando and the game designer Jesús Fuentes. Event organized by Zemos98 and the IAPH. International University of Andalusia, Baeza, Spain.

  • 2019

    «Free Architecture» presentation. 2nd Call Collaborative Practices Archive. Do It Yourself Institute, Madrid, Spain.

  • 2019

    Tutor of projects presented at the Open Data and Citizenship conference. International Centre for Contemporary Culture Tabakalera. San Sebastian, Spain.

  • 2018

    Production of the international free culture meeting Libre Graphics Meeting 2018. Seville, Spain.

  • 2017

    Presentation and workshop of the project. Arquitecturas Colectivas international meeting 2017. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

  • 2016

    Tutor of the work groups of the Architecture – Installations – Landscaping Summer School organized by the Oberliht association in Zaikin Park. Chisinau, Moldova.

  • 2016

    «Free Architecture». Presentation within the international symposium The Maverick City. Liverpool, UK.

  • 2015

    Public Space Tools workshop series with David Juárez (straddle3). Fabra i Coats Creation Factory (Barcelona, Spain), Plaza de la Cebada (Madrid, Spain), CommonsFest (Athens, Greece), Zoho (Rotterdam, Netherlands) and Public Space Days (Chisinau, Moldova).

  • 2015

    CodeUp! Cycle of programming workshops oriented to generative art. Art research and production centre Hangar. Barcelona, España.

  • 2013

    Presentation of the book Caja de Herramientas. Entangling autonomous architectures, reuse and free software. The Invisible House, Malaga, Spain.

  • 2012

    Urban Hacking Workshop. International meeting Arquitecturas Colectivas 2012. Seville, Spain.

  • 2011

    Presentation Anonymity and polynomial, camouflage strategies to come out on top within the cycle E_videncias: End of Monologue. Forms of Collective Narrativity and Visible Anonymity, from the International University of Andalusia (Tramallol, Seville, Spain).

  • 2011

    Tutor (as part of of a data visualization workshop within the Visualizing Transnationalism project. Edition of the critical cartography resulting from the workshop. Chelsea School of Arts, London, UK.

  • 2010

    Tutor (as part of of the IDBarri La Marina-Zona Franca project workshop, organized by Idensitat (Barcelona, Spain).

  • 2010

    Workshop Introduction to Processing, within the temporary medialab Call to the Geeks, organized by the Association of Digital Artists of Andalusia Átomos y Bits (Pista Digital, Seville, Spain).

  • 2010

    Introduction to Processing workshop, within the Free Software, Free Knowledge and Society conference. (Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering, Seville).

Articles and publications